Title: "The Extraordinary Adventures of the Frutiz: Uniting Flavors, Creating Magic"

Number of Pages: 150 pages (approx.)

Number of Episodes: 26 captivating episodes

Chapter 1 - Professor Shaky's Island Lab

Chapter 2 - The Frutiz Come to Life

Chapter 3 - Frutiz Personalities Emerge

Chapter 4 - Exploring the Island Together

Chapter 5 - Building a Seaside Village

Chapter 6 - Daily Life in the Village

Chapter 7 - Tutti's Surfing Adventure

Chapter 8 - Banani's Music Opportunity

Chapter 9 - Coco Tries Breaking Records

Chapter 10 - Professor Shaky's Backstory

Chapter 11 - Professor Shaky and Blight's Falling Out

Chapter 12 - Professor Blight Steals Formula

Chapter 13 - The Veggies Awaken

Chapter 14 - Finding the Mysterious Map

Chapter 15 - Preparing for an Expedition

Chapter 16 - Journeying Through the Jungle

Chapter 17 - Discovering the Lost City